ZA OOA 355/23
This is a SUPERB hen.
4 Different ONE LOFT WINNERS LINES in her line.
Closely related to 1st Dinokeng and 1st SAPIR Final One Loft Winners 2023 season. Also closely related to 1st and 2nd Aces Dinokeng.
THE SIRE: ZA VPU 8589/21 – 2/2 hit rate season one at stock. Sire to ZA VPU 9790/22- 25th Final Cradock, Pienaarsrivier, 820km, vel 1319
Dam to two super racers in first nest.
ZA VPU 727/21 -Equal Winner- 5th Ace Yearling Series 2022
ZA VPU 728/21-Winner.- 4th Ace Pigeon on Truck 2022
Dam to ZA VPU 9736/22 ” GEMSBOK”- Equal winner on the drop- 18th Race 1 , KAROO MILLION Cradock One Loft, 220km, vel 1877
ZA VPU 9569/22 ” KAROO ” Dinokeng Entrant 2023- Equal 1st – 30 -35 odd on the drop – 35th 1st Race, Dinokeng,
Ventersburg, 304km, vel 1381- 59 seconds behind winner.
THE SIRE: ZA VPU 8589/21 is 1/2 brother to ZA OERF 05683/16 – 3rd Final Carnival City Winter Race 2017,8th Ace Pigeon.A product of three different ACE PIGEONS!
Grandsire to ZA VPU 9428/22 ” KALAHARI SANDS” Dinokeng Entrant 2023- SOLD FOR R63 000
1st Dinokeng Final Race Winner of R120 000
2nd Ace Dinokeng 2023 Winner of R80 000
We have developed our own One Loft Ace Family by combining all our ONE LOFT performers together.
In this cock’s pedigree we find the following ONE LOFT PERFORMERS:2 x One Loft Final Winners, 2 Different One Loft Ace Pigeons.
Grandson to ZA GPU 11077/14 -BUFFALO 5 MONSTER BREEDER– 1st Ace Pigeon Speed – 2nd Ace Pigeon Points Winners Flight One Loft 2015.. Sire to ZA OERF 05683/16 – 3rd Final Carnival City Winter Race 2017,8th Ace Pigeon.Sire to ZA VPU 9790/22- 25th Final Cradock, Pienaarsrivier, 820km, vel 1319
Grandsire to ZA VPU 9428/22 ” KALAHARI SANDS” -SOLD R63 000
1st Dinokeng Final Race Winner of R120 000
2nd Ace Dinokeng 2023 Winner of R80 000
* ” SUPERBREEDER” – ZA GPU 12653/12- ” GUNNER” – 1st Final One Loft Race Western Cape Klapmuts Lofts 2013. DNA P2000050.
Grandsire to ZA VPU 8311/21- Sire to ZA DRPC 301/22 – 2 X WINNER
1st Club, 1st Section, Reddersburg Y/B, 317km, 1141
1st Club, 2nd Section, Smithfield Y/B, 373km, vel 1161
Bred by OOA Lofts, Raced by C Fernandez.
Sire to ZA GPU 05494/17 – ” SNIPER” – Super breeder for J Breedt. Sire to: Club winner with three hens & Union winners with two hens.
Sire to ZA GPU 11202/14 -Equal Winner on the drop….- 2nd Final Race Klapmuts 2015, 500km, vel 1500
Grandssire to ZA VPU 3329/22 – ” YAMAHA” – 5th Hot Spot 5, Cradock, Grasmere, 640km, vel 1219- 30 seconds behind winner.
Bred by OOA Lofts, entered by P Mare.
Grandsire to ZA VPU 9656/22- ” VESPA “
14th Hot Spot 5, Cradock, Grasmere, 640km, vel 1212
Bred by OOA Lofts, entered by P Mare.
Gggsire to ZA HPV 359/19 – “KENTUCKY GAMBLER ” – 6th Final Victoria Falls Final Race 2020.- Bred and entered by Charles Daniel.-Both parents purchased from Out of Africa Lofts.
* “YOU CAN DO IT” Winner of R100 000 – ZA GPU 11445/15 – 1st Central Provincial One-Loft Race Final , Bloemfontein, 596km, vel 1132. & 4th Ace Pigeon Loft 2016.
A hot day and a hard race. Four birds on the drop.
Grandsire to ZA GPU 5069/20 -6 X Club and Union WINNER – Super Racer for M. Strydom.
4th Ace Middle Distance GPU 2022
2nd Ace Overall Distances GPU 2022
1st Club, 1st Div, 23rd GPUnion, Y/B, Winburg1, 280km, vel 1395
2nd Club, 4th Div, 28th GPUnion, Y/B, Bloem, 386km, vel 1452
1st Club, 2nd Div, 3rd GPUnion, Y/B, Trompsburg, 488km, vel 1599
3rd Club, 3rd Div, 29th GPUnion, YB, Colesberg, 587km, vel 1349
Ggsire to ZA VPU 9569/22 ” KAROO ” Dinokeng Entrant 2023
Equal 1st – 30 -35 odd on the drop – 35th 1st Race, Dinokeng, Ventersburg, 304km, vel 1381- 59 seconds behind winner.
* ZA GPU 08399/17- 1st Ace Pigeon Long DistanceCarnival Club Competition 2018! , 7th Overall Ace 2018. 1st Colesberg Race 9, 523km, 1229 vel- Won the Club race with 50 members by 7 minutes.
26th Carnival Club Race Final Winner 2018, Victoria -West, 705km, vel 1059. Granddam to ZA NKDLS 6068/21
– 2nd SAPIR, Hot spot 1, 275km, vel 1155- R30 000 Winner
– 9th Final Sapir, Colesberg, 575km, vel 1251 R35 000 Winner
Bred by H Badenhorst from two OOA STOCK PURCHASED
Dam to ZA VPU 951/20 – 37th Carnival Summer Final Race 2021, 22nd Ace Pigeon 2021 – a very hard race!- Only 43 day birds!
Trompsburg 459km, vel 646 m/m
Egbert O’Kelly
Tel: 084 200 0667