ZA VPU 6573/23
This is a super pigeon!!!
Linebred to ZA TRPF 19318/09 – 4 X Winner & 1st National Ace Pigeon L/D 2011. Raced and scored 15/15 races in 2011 season.Long Distance SANPO GOLD MEDAL 2011
This “19318” 1st National Long Distance T Lock line has bred the following One Loft Performers:
3 x 1st Final Winners and 2 x 1st and 2 x 2nd Ace Pigeons!!
1st Carnival Final 2018 by 5 ½ minutes-SEE PEDIGREE
1st Carnival Semi Final 2018 by 11 1 2 minutes!
1st Ace Long Distance 7th Overall Ace 2018
1st Final Dinokeng, 1st Ace 2019- “SMOOTH SAILING”- SEE PEDIGREE
“SMOOTH SAILING in turn granddam to “BIANCA” – 1st Ace Dinokeng 2023
‘BIANCA” equal 1st Barzalona 2023
Equal 1st on the drop – 4th Dinokeng Final 2021, Colesberg, 655km, vel 1344 – Winner of R100 000. -“LEOPARD”
2nd Ace Pigeon Dinokeng 2021 Series. Winner of R30 000
“LEOPARD” Dam in turn to ZA VPU 9428/22 ” KALAHARI SANDS” Dinokeng Entrant 2023- SOLD FOR R63 000
1st Dinokeng Final Race Winner of R120 000, Hanover, 724km, vel 1502. 3 Birds on the drop. 2nd Ace Dinokeng 2023 – Winner of R80 000.
35th Barzalona Car Race, 724km, vel 1443
He is linebred to our NR 1 TOM LOCK STOCK PAIR ” 17450 X 09938″. His granddam is ZA GPU 04526/14 – “BEST STOCK BREEDER HEN IN LOFT” Dam to many superbreeders with different cocks: Dam to the folllowing:
* ZA VPU 8249/21 -“NEW SUPERBREEDER” – First season at stock and dam to ZA GRPF 482/22- 2 x Club Winner- By 11 and 3,52 minutes!!!!-SEE PEDIGREE
* ZA 243696/20 – Dam to ZA GRPF 463/22 – 5 1/2 minute BREAK AWAY WINNER! -SEE PEDIGREE
* ZA CYRILS 2804/16 – Sold on OOA LIVE AUCTIONS. Current NR 1 COCK for J Judels. Sire to offsping scoring 40 tmes and made over 1000 points in the club in 2 seasons. Also sire to BEST BIRD Kuruman Club, ZA KPK 0112/17 – SEE PEDIGREE
Egbert O’Kelly
Tel: 084 200 0667