ZA OOA 133/23
This EXACT T Lock line won THREE DIFFERENT ONE LOFT FINAL RACES IN 6 MONTHS!!! – R1 500 000 in prize money! – This T LOCK Cock is a BARGAIN at the price!
a SUPER COCK! perfectly BALANCED! Superb T Lock wing!
This cock is bred from our ONE LOFT WINNER T LOCK Lines for different fanciers in S.A.
This cock is linebred to the dam lines of SAIPR WINTER AND SUMMER FINAL RACE WINNER 2023/2024, a total of R1 200 000 IN PRIZE MONEY.
His granddam ‘06670″ is granddam to ZA CYRILS 5164/23- 1st Final Sapir Summer race 2023 -Bred by Ou Skuur Hokke. -SEE PEDIGREE
“ 06670” is Also granddam to ZA VPU 9470/22- Equal 1st on the drop of 20 – 9th CPL Bloem Final, Prince Albert Road, 596km, vel, 1218- Bred by OOA Loft-SEE PEDIGREE
The other ggdam ZA TRPF 19318/09, 3 x Winner, 1st NATIONAL ACE PIGEON LONG DISTANCE S.A. SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER 2011.
-Granddam to 1st Final, 1st Ace Dinokeng 2019 and 1st Dinokeng,2ndAce
Ggdam to ZA SANPO 18470/22- 1st Race 13- AFRIKA PRO SERIES 2023
Granddam and ggdam to ZA VPU 9224/20 -“LEOPARD” – Equal 1st on the drop – 4th Dinokeng Final 2021, Colesberg, 655km, vel 1344 – Winner of R100 000.
2nd Ace Pigeon Dinokeng 2021 Series. Winner of R30 000
ZA VPU 9428/22 ” KALAHARI SANDS” Dinokeng Entrant 2023-SEE PEDIGREE
1st Dinokeng Final Race Winner of R120 000, Hanover, 724km, vel 1502. 3 Birds on the drop. 2nd Ace Dinokeng 2023 – Winner of R80 000. & 35th Barzalona Car Race, Hanover, 724km, vel 1443
Ggdam to ZA VPU 9791/22- ” THE MAGICIAN”- Sold for R159 000-SEE PEDIGREE
1st Final Winner SAPIR By 11 43 seconds, Colesberg, 575km, vel 1166, 5th Grand Averages, 9th Hot Spot Averages 2023
Ggdam to 1ST Final, 13th Ace, CPL CENTRAL LOFTS -NBD 14522/22 Bryan Isaacs & 10th on the drop – Bred by OOA Lofts.
Ggdam to ZA SRPV 422/22 – 3RD ACE DINOKENG 2023 – Bred by W Munnik
Ggdam to ZA SANPO 18470/22- 1st Race 13- AFRIKA PRO SERIES 2023
Grandson to ZA GPU 06670/13 – SUPERBREEDER HEN!! Dam to 7 winners. Some 2 and 3 time winners.Granddam to Union Winners.
Ggdam to ZA CYRILS 5164/23- 1st Final Sapir Summer race 2023 -Bred by Ou Skuur Hokke. Also granddam to ZA VPU 9470/22
Equal 1st on the drop of 20 – 9th CPL Bloem Final, Prince Albert Road, 596km, vel, 1218- Bred by OOA Lofts
Granddam to ZA VPU 913/20- 1st Club, 1st VPUnion, O/B, Dewetsdorp, 320km, vel 1206 – A latebred winning the VPU Old Bird Union race by a margin.
His dam is ZA VPU 8587/21 ” SUPER WOMAN ” Fantastic hen!
Full sister to ZA VPU 735/21- ” NEW LEGEND” – NEW NR 1 FOUNDATION HEN – SUPERBREEDER- Never seen a hen in 1st season breed so many winners/Top racers.
Dam in first season at stock to 3 x (2 Equal) wins and one Win. :
ZA DLS 6543/22 – Winner.
1st Club, Beaufort West, Y/B, 380km, vel 1257
6th Club, Willowmore, Y/B, 468km, vel 1114 vel
4th Club, Y/B, Willowmore2 , Y/B, 468km, 1032 vel
Bred by OOA Lofts, raced by S Germishuys
Dam to ZA DLS 6974/22 – 2 X Equal Winner on the drop
Equal Winner(4 on the drop) 2nd Club, Cradock, 402km, vel 1033
Again Equal winner on the droip on a double up, 9th Club, Aberdeen, Y/B, 344km, vel 1098
Bred by OOA Lofts, raced by H Badenhorst, Douglas.
ZA DLS 6544/22
2nd Club, Willowmore, Y/B, 468km, vel 1033
27th Club, Prins Albert, Y/B, 476km, 1304 vel
Bred by OOA, raced by Germishuys Hokke
Bred for stock from LEGENDARY BREEDERS
* SA THU 6224/05 ” MONEYMAKER” – Superbreeder. REF A3: Sire to ZA TRPF 19318/09, 3 x Winner, 1st NATIONAL ACE PIGEON LONG DISTANCE S.A. SANPO GOLD MEDAL WINNER 2011.
-Granddam to 1st Final, 1st Ace Dinokeng 2019 and 1st Dinokeng,2nd Ggdam to ZA SANPO 18470/22- 1st Race 13- AFRIKA PRO SERIES 2023
Granddam and ggdam to ZA VPU 9224/20 -“LEOPARD” – Equal 1st on the drop – 4th Dinokeng Final 2021, Colesberg, 655km, vel 1344 – Winner of R100 000.
2nd Ace Pigeon Dinokeng 2021 Series. Winner of R30 000
ZA VPU 9428/22 ” KALAHARI SANDS” Dinokeng Entrant 2023
1st Dinokeng Final Race Winner of R120 000, Hanover, 724km, vel 1502. 3 Birds on the drop. 2nd Ace Dinokeng 2023 – Winner of R80 000. & 35th Barzalona Car Race, Hanover, 724km, vel 1443
Close niece to 1st Ace Dinokeng, 5th Barzalona bred by D Trosky.
1st Dinokeng Final Race Gariep Dam, 623km, vel 1485 2019 season.
1st Ace Pigeon 2019 – All Hot Spots and Final Race
1st Ace Pigeon Grand Averages including all tosses,races & Final 2019 season. Bred and entered by Daniel Troskie
Ggdam to ZA GPU 08400/17 – 1st Carnival Club Race Final Winner 2018, Victoria -West, 705km, vel 1165, Wins the race by 5 1/2 minutes break!!
* Her nestmate sister ZA GPU 08399/17- 1st Ace Pigeon Long DistanceCarnival Club Competition 2018! , 7th Overall Ace 2018
1st Colesberg Race 9, 523km, 1229 vel- Won the Club race with 50 members by 7 minutes.
* ZA THU 08816/09 – “NR 1 STOCK HEN. DAM TO DIFFERENT SHORT, MIDDLE AND OVERALL DISTANCE ACE PIGEONS! ” 2 x Winner. Dam to 22 wins in 4 seasons and 9 different ACE PIGEONS! Granddam to Winners.ZA THU 08816/09 – “NR 1 STOCK HEN. DAM TO DIFFERENT SHORT, MIDDLE AND OVERALL DISTANCE ACE PIGEONS! ” 2 x Winner.
Ggdam to ZA VPU 9791/22- ” THE MAGICIAN”- Sold for R159 000
1st Final Winner SAPIR By 11 43 seconds, Colesberg, 575km, vel 1166, 5th Grand Averages, 9th Hot Spot Averages 2023
Ggdam to 1ST Final, 13th Ace, CPL CENTRAL LOFTS -NBD 14522/22 Bryan Isaacs & 10th on the drop – Bred by OOA Lofts.
Ggdam to ZA SRPV 422/22 – 3RD ACE DINOKENG 2023 – Bred by W Munnik
Ggdam to ZA SANPO 18470/22- 1st Race 13- AFRIKA PRO SERIES 2023
Dam to 22 wins in 4 seasons and 9 different ACE PIGEONS! Granddam to Winners and MANY ACES. Ggdam to DPL 82/20 – Equal 1st- 2nd CPL BLOEM Final 2021, 596km, vel 1382 for Dieplaagte & Sterkfontein Lofts. Ggdam to DPL 81/20 – 1st Open Ace Pigeon & 1st Open Knockout Champion plus 8th Final CPL Opens for Dieplaagte & Sterkfontein. 2022
Dam to ZA GPU 04584/14 – Sire to ZAOOA 334/19- Dam to 2nd on the drop Carnival Summer Race 2022 for Les Windle.
She is granddam to ZA SRPV 422/22 – 3RD ACE DINOKENG 2023
Great granddam to ZA CYRILS 2770/16 – Dam to 13 winners for J Judels
Greatgranddam to countless winners.Dam to 1st & 2nd Old Bird & Overall Ace Pigeons GPU 2017 & Granddam to 1st Ace Pigeon Y/Bird Series GPU 2017
* GOLDEN EYE THU ACE -CURRENT NR 1 HEN – NEW SUPERBREEDER! ZA GPU 17912/12 -Winner & Short Distance Ace GPU -1st Ace Pigeon Short Distance GPU Y/B Series 2013
* ZA GPU 06566/13 – Dam to ZA CYRILS 2851/16 – 1st Ace Long Distance GPUNION 2018
Egbert O’Kelly
Tel: 084 200 0667